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Queen Anne's at Home - Where Seniors Help Each Other THRIVE!

QA@H is based on the model of seniors helping seniors to
thrive in our community as we age in our own homes.
That means our members both offer help as they can and seek help as they need.
This reciprocity helps build on QA@H’s 3 foundational principles: 
Empowerment, Connection and Purpose


We are 100% volunteer-run.  Since our members run the organization, we do whatever we as members want and support.  Here are just some of the things we do:

  • By LEARNING together, we build a sense of empowerment.  That means we:

    • Get organized and create our “life plans” through our Senior Navigation Action Plan (SNAPs). This goes way beyond estate planning, insurance, etc.

    • Learn from area experts at monthly SNAP workshops and utilize QA@H-created planning tools that help each household implement the steps needed to get organized and ready for the future

    • Stay current and engaged through periodic Coffee+Conversations on interesting topics, Happy Hours, cooking classes and more

    • Imagine and explore our options through QA@H-developed, facilitator-led “contingency planning” workshops that encourage us to think beyond limiting assumptions and old stereotypes

  • By HELPING each other, we build a sense of purpose. That means we:

    • Get organized and create our “life plans” (which go way beyond estate planning, wills, etc.)

    • Talk about - and plan for - the “tough questions

    • Get rid of STUFF! We even share tools and equipment

    • Take care of things around the house we shouldn’t do alone

    • Become comfortable with and take advantage of new technology

    • Give each other rides, take each other shopping

    • Recommend tried-and-true service providers

    • Keep each other connected (meet-ups, friendly calls and visits)

    • Most important: we have FUN doing it!

  • By CONNECTING with each other, we build a sense of community. That means we:

    • Have frequent social get-togethers in diverse settings, some just for fun, some with a purpose

    • Organize activity groups in response to members' interests and energy. So far, interest groups include a Book Club, BrainHealth, Creativity through Arts and Crafts, Learn to Play, LunchBunch, MahJongg, Nature and PowerWalkers, Pickleball, and TechTips.


Are you a senior (or know one) who wants to...

  • Use your skills and experience in a network of seniors "aging well in place"?

  • Connect with other seniors who share goals and interests?

  • Access support and expert advice for life planning and organizing?

  • Participate in social, educational and cultural events?

  • Find member-recommended services and providers?

  • Give back to the community?

If even one of your answers is Yes, then Queen Anne's at Home is for you!

Our QA@H community is based on Connection, Empowerment and Purpose,
and it all begins with connection.  We encourage you to join us at one of our events
so that
you can meet us and find out more about what we do. 
Seeing us in action is the best way we can explain who we are and why you might want to join us! 


CLICK HERE for a link to a QAC-TV video explaining what QA@H is about

Queen Anne's at Home is a component fund of the Mid-Shore Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization -
donations to which are tax deductable to the fullest extent allowed by law.